Marathi krutidev Keyboard is used in various high courts for there typing. It is also used in various exmas for typing test.
Kruti Dev is a widely used Devanagari font for Hindi and Marathi typing. It is a non-Unicode font that uses ASCII values to represent Devnagari characters. This font is extensively used in government offices, educational institutions, and for personal typing needs. Kruti Dev fonts are available in various versions, such as Kruti Dev 010, Kruti Dev 020, and Kruti Dev 030, each with slight variations. To install Kruti Dev on a Windows computer, you can download the .ttf file, right-click on it, and select "Install". On a Mac, use the Font Book application. The typing layout of Kruti Dev is phonetic, differing from the standard Inscript layout. Conversion tools are necessary to convert Kruti Dev text to Unicode for compatibility with modern applications. You can download Kruti Dev fonts from reputable font websites. Despite the rise of Unicode fonts, Kruti Dev remains popular due to its established usage and familiarity among typists.
a - .
b - इ
c - ब
d - क
e - म
f - ि
g - ह
h - ी
i - प
j - र
k - ा
l - स
m - उ
n - द
o - व
p - च
q - ु
r - त
s - े
t - ज
u - न
v - अ
w - ू
x - ग
y - ल
z - /
A - ा
B - ठ
C - ब्
D - क्
E - म्
F - थ्
G - ळ
H - भ्
I - प्
J - श्र
K - ज्ञ
L - स्
M - ड
N - छ
O - व्
P - च्
Q - फ
R - त्
S - ै
T - ज्
U - न्
V - ट
W - ॅ
X - ग्
Y - ल्
Z - र्
` - ृ
1 - १
2 - २
3 - ३
4 - ४
5 - ५
6 - ६
7 - ७
8 - ८
9 - ९
0 - ०
- - .
= - त्र
[ - ख्
] - ,
\ - ?
; - य
' - श्
, - ए
. - ण्
/ - ध्
Space - Space
~ - ृ
! - ।
@ - /
# - रू
$ - +
% - :
^ - '
& - -
* - '
( - ;
) - द्ध
_ - ऋ
+ - ्
{ - क्ष्
} - द्व
| -
: - रू
" - ष्
< - ढ
> - झ
? - घ्
Space - Space
The Kruti Dev 055 font is widely used for typing in Devnagari letter on various computer platforms, especially in India. It leverages the Alt key shortcut combinations to input specific Devnagari letter characters that are not directly available on the standard keyboard. For instance, pressing Alt + 0161 inputs the character "फ़," while Alt + 0162 generates "ख." Similarly, Alt + 0163 produces "ग," Alt + 0164 types "घ," and Alt + 0165 results in "ङ." These shortcuts are particularly useful for typists and professionals who need to create documents in Devnagari letter efficiently. By memorizing these Alt codes, users can enhance their typing speed and accuracy, ensuring that they can produce the necessary characters quickly without having to search for them. This system of using Alt key combinations simplifies the process of typing in Devnagari, making Kruti Dev 055 a popular choice among Devnagari language typists.